There must be some other news (aside of COVID-19 items)


Addicted Member
This morning's Sarasota (Fla.) Herald-Tribune's A Section (the first section of the newspaper, beginning with the front page) contains 20 pages … and THERE ISN'T EVEN ONE STORY that doesn't deal with COVID-19. There MUST be some news aside from the pandemic. And if you look at the H-T's letters to the editor -- on this or virtually any day -- you'll see Trump-bashing to the max, even though the newspaper is located in a solid Republican area.

Greg T.

The Jizz Slinger
Yeah, gets tiring, huh? Our press is so liberal it's actually sickening. So is our city for that matter. If I write a letter to editor and express facts and common sense on any given topic I am bashed and pummeled for weeks afterwards. And our paper has a policy that you only get one letter per topic so I can't even defend against the lies and bullshit submitted in response to my letter. Pathetic.


Addicted Member
When I first started working at the Sarasota Herald-Tribune in 1966, it was a conservative hometown newspaper. But by the time I retired in 2011, it had been bought by the New York Slimes, and needless to say, it had become extremely liberal.

Greg T.

The Jizz Slinger
I've been screaming at the state reps and governor Nazi Whitmer to get some antibody tests up here.