Stern: Presidency May Unravel Trump


Active Member
Howard Stern goes back a ways with President Trump, who has been a regular guest on his show for decades. On Thursday, Stern generated headlines for voicing a concern about the man he considers a friend: Becoming president "is something that is gonna be detrimental to his mental health, too, because, he wants to be liked, he wants to be loved," Stern said, per Entertainment Weekly. "All of this hatred and stuff directed towards him. It's not good for him. It's not good." Also of note: Stern says he thinks Trump ran only as a contract ploy.

"I think it started out as like a kinda cool, fun thing to do in order to get a couple more bucks out of NBC for The Apprentice, I actually do believe that," Stern said, per CNN. He added that Trump always liked Hillary Clinton and thinks the "new Donald Trump" merely latched onto a conservative base because it was the most effective route to victory. “I don’t believe that, for example now, that he’s had some sort of rethink on abortion and all this." No response, at least yet, from Trump himself.


Addicted Member
Though certainly not in the lamestream media, Howard Stern is yet another media personality who doesn't have a clue as to anything but speculation about The Donald. Trump may do this, Trump may do that, Trump may lose here, Trump may have a setback there, etc., etc. ... and HOW OFTEN HAS ANYONE IN THE MEDIA BEEN CORRECT when it comes to Trump?