Russian Soldier Testing A New Suit


Active Member

The suit is the latest project of Russia's Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering (TSNIITOCHMASH), an arm of the Russian defense industry focused on developing small arms and non-lethal military equipment.

Despite the fact that a direct hit would probably blow your limbs off regardless of how sophisticated your flame-retardant underwear may be, the Russian military seems pretty damn pleased with the no-fucks-given swagger of their guinea pig. The officers supervising the trial even gave her some red roses when she successfully completed the dangerous test.
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Active Member
Yeah, watch the video. At the end, she removes her head gear and shakes out her long blonde hair before receiving some roses. I guess they couldn't find any men who wanted to do that test so they had to find someone with real machismo. :)

Or, maybe she just happened to be the lowest ranking soldier there so she was 'volunteered'. :)