Rush Limbaugh Says Mars Water Leftist Hoax

Greg T.

The Jizz Slinger
Well, hopefully he's wrong. If mars has water we can send all the illegals and cock sucking Muslims up there to colonize the hole.


Some experts (Dr. John Brandenburg comes to "mine") believe Mars was nuked millions of years ago... It's inhabitants killed. That would explain why the atmosphere was blown off (Not global warming).


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I have heard the same thing.

Some experts (Dr. John Brandenburg comes to "mine") believe Mars was nuked millions of years ago... It's inhabitants killed. That would explain why the atmosphere was blown off (Not global warming).

Greg T.

The Jizz Slinger
Personally, I'd love to see NASA working on a bomb that can build an atmosphere. We're aware of the cobalt bomb that is capable od destroying an entire atmosphere on a planet, but the thought of a few strategically placed bombs that would create a chemical reaction and begin building an oxygen atmosphere would be pretty damned cool. Saw a mad scientist do it on Star Trek once.


Rush calling it a hoax is wrong. The Left / Pope / UN wanting to blame it on Martian global warming, to advance agendas here would also be wrong.