Not surprisingly, Democrat debaters avoided key points


Addicted Member
The recent Democratic presidential debate was a joke. Not only did it seem to be a contrived platform to push forward the "coronation" of Hillary Rodham Clinton, there was no mention of some of the nation's most-pressing problems.

While the weak field of candidates debated such things as free college tuition and other government "handouts" that we can ill afford, no one cared to bring up:

* The crushing and massive national debt incurred during the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama -- a staggering figure that has become larger than the total debt accumulated under all previous U.S. presidents combined.

* The widespread terrorism of radical Muslim extremists who have killed and beheaded many thousands of Christians and others throughout the world. ISIS is expanding territories they control, and Iran's terrorist leaders are developing nuclear bomb and missile capability that will enable them to annihilate Israel and launch disastrous attacks -- including, perhaps, an EMP strike that would cripple our electric grid -- on the U.S. homeland.

* The continuous and significant reduction of U.S. military forces at a time when Russia is making a push toward ominous expansion of territory, which could result in another Cold War.

There are some serious issues that need to be debated, but many of them weren't even mentioned in the Democratic debate, sad to say.