Drinking Beer Makes Men Better In Bed


Active Member
Five scientific ways:

1. It makes you last longer.

Premature ejaculation is often caused by anxiety and stress. Having a beer or two will help you relax, and lesson some of your tension. Also, phytoestrogens in beer can be helpful in delaying ejaculation.

2. Dark beer gets you in the mood.

Dark beer actually has more iron than light beer, and iron increases red blood cells and circulation, allowing for easier arousal and more frequent erections.

3. It's heart-healthy and improves endurance.

Studies show drinking a pint of beer a day decreases the chances of having a heart attack, stroke, or heart disease. If you combine beer drinking with exercise, you not only make your heart healthier — you build up your cardio endurance, helping you to go the distance in the bedroom.

4. Guinness, specifically, has antioxidants.

Antioxidants clean up the circulation system. By keeping your plumbing clean, it allows for healthy functioning of the vital blood vessels and capillaries necessary for healthy sex functioning in the penis. Which is good, because Guinness is delicious.

5. It boosts your sex drive.

Fifty Shades of Green, obviously inspired by the Fifty Shades of Grey phenomena, is loaded with 50 different hop varieties, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, and damiana (nerve stimulator) to enhance performance.

Go ahead and crack open another brewskie. It's good for you and will make your partner happier, too.