The term "politics" does not apply today

Good Times Good Times

Active Member
What is politics?

2 definitions
1. "Government is the regulation of public affairs, and politics is the means by which people determine whose views of government will prevail."

2. "Politics (from Greek: πολιτικός politikos, definition "of, for, or relating to citizens") is the practice and theory of influencing other people. More narrowly, it refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance — organized control over a human community, particularly a state. Furthermore, politics is the study or practice of the distribution of power and resources within a given community (a usually hierarchically organized population) as well as the interrelationship(s) between communities."

More definitions could be given, of course, along the same lines, but there is no difference.

Argument 1: Money runs the politics show
The simplest and probably strongest argument. Whoever has money makes decisions and runs the show. Has there been another time in history when money had so much power? Positions of governance do not matter when the goal is to make money. "Influencing people" does not matter anyway when they are obliged to obey anyway through financial constructs.

Argument 2: Politic decisions are driven purely from financial reasons
It is not a case of debating over different views based on plans aiming at everyone's best. It is a case over debating about which plans will yield more profit. Politics is more interested in taking measures that will make more money and not measures that will give benefit to the people. For example, politics is more interested in the financial cost or gains of a potential war then the war itself happening.

Argument 3: Politics do not have national context any more
With the existence of powerful transnational corporations which don't belong to any nation but to individuals or small wealthy groups, politicians of each country are by default unable to deal with matters referring to their own country, but to global situations, once again, of financial nature.

Argument 4: Fake justifications on morals, philosophical beliefs and humanitarianism
If the people speak about "equality" or "freedom", the politicians present whatever they have decided as made along the lines of "equality" or "freedom". Ironically, the concepts of "equality" and "freedom" may not even have any substantial meaning within the current context, however, if the people are happy speaking about them, then that's what politicians will speak about. Although this argument is not new for politicians, it is particularly important today since the ruling capitalism is dis-concerned with anything related to morals, ethics, philosophy, and to a wider context, anything human. And as a result, the only times when all the later are mentioned are as fake justifications of financial decisions. They are only "buzzwords".

The reason for this is that the world is dominated by 21st century capitalism. And it seems that politics and politicians are not entities belonging to a capitalistic system. The majority of what a "politician" is supposed to do in theory is but the work of a financial investor.