TX Elector Resigns Rather Than Vote For 'Not Biblically Qualified' Trump


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There's been talk of "faithless electors" trying to overturn the Electoral College vote on Dec. 19 that presumably will fall in Donald Trump's favor, but one Texas elector has so much faith that he's taking a different route, per the Houston Chronicle: He's resigning his GOP elector's post entirely. In what Politico calls a "little noticed" blog post from the weekend titled "Conflicted Elector in a Corrupt College," Art Sisneros of Dayton explains the difference between a republic and a democracy, states that most electors are forced to make pledges that flout both the Bible and the Constitution, and proclaims he's stepping down as an elector because, although the "vast majority of Republicans" are pleading with him to vote for Trump, "they don't make the case that Trump is indeed biblically qualified."

"I believe voting for Trump would bring dishonor to God," Sisneros adds, comparing electors to parents who are supposed to step in so their kids won't gorge on Skittles for dinner—but who, in what he says is the conservative view, still go by what the people say. By resigning, he says, another elector can step in, and "the people will get their vote. They will get their Skittles for dinner. I will sleep well at night knowing I neither gave in to their demands nor caved to my convictions. I will also mourn the loss of our republic." Sisneros also acknowledges that in regard to the "biblical qualifications" he thinks candidates should possess, "most will think I am just clinging to long forgotten principles that, quite frankly, no one cares about anymore." The Republican Party of Texas didn't immediately get back to the Chronicle for comment.
