'Low IQ' Congresswoman Maxine Waters stars in 'Looney Tunes'


Addicted Member
Ya but don't forget the great state of Illinois gives you Bobby Rush and Danny Davis, two more winners.
Now you know why this state is so fucked up.
Then we have lying Dick Durbin, boy are we screwed.


Addicted Member
Ya but don't forget the great state of Illinois gives you Bobby Rush and Danny Davis, two more winners.
Now you know why this state is so fucked up.
Then we have lying Dick Durbin, boy are we screwed.
... and some "blasts from the past": Dan Rostenkowski, Rod Blagojevich, Carol Mosely-Braun, Richard Daley, Dan Crane, Dennis Hastert, Mel Reynolds, Jesse Jackson Jr., Dan Walker, etc., etc.

I'm almost ashamed to admit I was born in Illinois, but I'm thankful that my parents moved from Illinois to Colorado when I was only 5 years old.