Congratulations, President Trump


Addicted Member
Just popped in briefly to write this.

Congratulations to the newly elected President and to all of his supporters.
Dear MI2AZ:

You haven't posted much recently, but I want to let you know that you have posted a large number of interesting (and sometimes off-beat) items that have made good reading over a period of time. And "dittos" to your above-quoted post.

Greg T.

The Jizz Slinger
Yeah. hillary promised to put coal out of business while increasing the number of jobs in the coal industry! :confused: :Roflmao:

But yeah, they all pander and say stuff that will never happen.
Well, in her defense, the mines would have to be filled in, right?


Addicted Member
Well, in her defense, the mines would have to be filled in, right?
Taxpayers gonna fund that? I haven't dealt with mine closings, but I assume they'd just leave 'em abandoned. Maybe board up dangerous entry points, then let nature take care of whether they get filled in or not.